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Brand Visibility 101
1 December, 2022 - by Encloudment | Web Development

Brand Visibility 101

People prefer to chose what they are most familiar with, even if it is unintentionally.

That is, the more prominent your brand is, the better your chances of acquiring and retaining clients are. Many elements influence a prospective customer’s or client’s decision to choose one brand over another, but one that is undeniably important is how prominent your brand is. We could consider it from the standpoint of risk reduction.

The most popular option is frequently the safest choice. It’s why the old adage goes, “No one ever got fired for buying IBM.”

Today, that phrase might be “no one ever got fired for buying Salesforce,” but the premise remains: the most well-known brand in a market is often the most trusted, whether or not that degree of trust is merited.

As a result, one of the most essential KPIs your brand isn’t tracking is brand prominence.

The proportion of exposure a brand receives in comparison to its competitors and industry is defined as brand visibility. It is a component of brand awareness, which is an umbrella word for various different methods of gauging a brand’s total market coverage and emotion.

Because brand visibility assesses how “visible” a brand is to target customers, how and where you measure it is critical. In other words, brand visibility should be calculated on a per-channel basis rather than in aggregate.

Brand visibility is a crucial input indicator for total brand awareness, but you should also consider quality, sentiment, and targeted placements.

To effectively describe brand visibility, consider where it stands in relation to other related metrics such as brand awareness and brand perception.

Are you ready for the one hidden trick for growing brand visibility now that you know what it is and how to measure it?

The magic bullet that will allow you to outperform your competitors and achieve Salesforce-level domination in your industry? You can probably guess where this is going: there isn’t one.

Instead, begin with two fundamental strategic elements:

  • Select your channels and ddefine how you will track your progress

Choosing your channels is vital because you won’t be able to play and win everywhere at first. For this group of keywords, Zoho and HubSpot, for example, are on level with Salesforce despite being much smaller organisations overall:

Once you’ve decided on a channel, plan out how you’ll track your progress.

After you begin working, deciding how you will measure your results might lead to decision-making errors such as cherry-picking your data. Is it retweets that matter? There are a hundred measures you might look at to determine your social media performance. How are your tweets being received? What about brand mentions? What about brand perception and sentiment?

Three ways you can achieve this are

  1. SEO for Surround Sound

Surround sound SEO is my preferred method for increasing business visibility.

Although the brand exposure you generate is still valuable, surround sound SEO provides a higher bang for your dollars. And you can use both the brand visibility benefits and direct response analytics to measure the results (for example, users will search for “best survey software” and immediately sign up for your product).

  1. Content Marketing Decentralized

We view the decentralized content workflow as follows:

  • Create an idea bucket.
  • Create message consistency safeguards.
  • Determine the channel / message / business fit
  • Repurpose everything and incentivize staff to submit it.
  • Iterate and experiment.
  1. Analyze Site Marketing

Driving reviews as an acquisition strategy is a catch-22 situation, because having more customers certainly helps you drive more customer reviews. But make do with what you’ve got:

Conduct an NPS survey and encourage your promoters to leave a review on your preferred review site.

Conduct a cold outreach effort to high-value customers in order to obtain evaluations or testimonials.

Encourage people to write reviews by providing free product usage or monetary rewards if permitted (just make sure they disclose this in their reviews).

To win with this approach, you must go all in. Your competition will crowd you out if you only have a few reviews. This one requires a lot of volume to work.


In some ways, brand awareness is straightforward. At scale, it’s the’mere exposure effect’—the idea is to be visible in places where your potential consumers congregate.

The difficult aspect is deciding where to raise your brand’s visibility, how to measure it, and how to improve it. In conclusion:

Brand visibility is a component of brand awareness. These building components, along with brand image, contribute to “brand equity,” or the entire worth of a brand.

Brand exposure is measured per channel rather than comprehensively across several channels.

Choosing the right channel is as crucial as any other strategy for increasing brand visibility.

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